How to Use the Passive Voice with Modal and Semi-Modal Auxiliaries to Score High in IELTS Test

April 12, 2024

Using the passive voice with modal and semi-modal auxiliaries in the IELTS speaking and writing tests can demonstrate your proficiency with advanced English grammar. Modal auxiliaries (like can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, and would) and semi-modal auxiliaries (like have to, need to, ought to, used to, and dare to) are used to express various degrees of certainty, ability, permission, obligation, or advice. When combined with the passive voice, the focus shifts from the doer of the action to the action itself or its recipient.

Understanding Passive Voice with Modal and Semi-Modal Auxiliaries

The structure for combining passive voice with modal and semi-modal auxiliaries is:

Modal/Semi-Modal Auxiliary + be + past participle of the verb

For example:

  • Active: “The government must address the issue.”
  • Passive: “The issue must be addressed by the government.”

Using Passive Voice with Modal Auxiliaries in IELTS

  1. Expressing Possibility or Ability:
    • “Can”: “This problem can be solved with more research.”
    • “Could”: “The instructions could be made clearer.”
  2. Expressing Permission or Suggestion:
    • “May”: “The document may be submitted electronically.”
    • “Might”: “The meeting might be rescheduled.”
  3. Expressing Obligation or Necessity:
    • “Must”: “The rules must be followed by all participants.”
    • “Should”: “The application should be submitted before the deadline.”
    • “Have to”: “The form has to be filled out accurately.”
  4. Expressing Advice or Recommendation:
    • “Ought to”: “Safety measures ought to be implemented.”
    • “Should”: “The issue should be looked into immediately.”
  5. Expressing Past Habits:
    • “Used to”: “This room used to be occupied by the manager.”

Tips for Using Passive Voice with Modals in IELTS

  • Appropriate Use: Use modal auxiliaries in the passive voice where it is contextually appropriate, especially to emphasize the action or to maintain formality.
  • Variety in Sentences: Incorporate a range of modal auxiliaries in passive constructions to demonstrate your grammatical range.
  • Clarity and Coherence: While using complex structures can be impressive, clarity and coherence of your ideas are paramount.
  • Practice and Feedback: Regular practice in writing and speaking, and seeking feedback from proficient English users or teachers, can help solidify your understanding and usage.

Example Sentences for Practice

  1. The report can be submitted by email.
  2. The project should be completed by next month.
  3. The documents must be signed by all parties.
  4. The meeting might be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances.
  5. The rules have to be followed by everyone.
  6. The book could be published by the end of the year.
  7. The proposal may be reviewed in the next board meeting.
  8. The instructions ought to be read carefully.
  9. The form needs to be filled out completely.
  10. The room used to be cleaned every day.
  11. The homework can be done by tomorrow.
  12. The problem should be addressed immediately.
  13. The application must be processed quickly.
  14. The decision might be reversed if new information arises.
  15. The regulations have to be updated regularly.
  16. The painting could be restored by a professional.
  17. Permission may be granted after the review.
  18. The guidelines ought to be clarified.
  19. The contract needs to be renegotiated.
  20. The building used to be cleaned every day.
  21. The article can be revised for clarity.
  22. The budget should be approved by the committee.
  23. The evidence must be examined thoroughly.
  24. The event might be canceled if the weather is bad.
  25. The policy has to be enforced strictly.
  26. The plan could be changed if necessary.
  27. The appointment may be rescheduled.
  28. The recommendations ought to be considered.
  29. The procedure needs to be followed exactly.
  30. The area used to be a park.
  31. The lecture can be attended by anyone who is interested.
  32. The funds should be allocated by the end of the fiscal year.
  33. The building must be evacuated during a drill.
  34. The project might be extended due to unforeseen delays.
  35. The rules have to be revised for better clarity.
  36. The novel could be adapted into a movie.
  37. The application may be considered by the selection committee.
  38. The safety measures ought to be inspected regularly.
  39. The feedback needs to be incorporated into the final draft.
  40. The garden used to be maintained by the community.
  41. The data can be analyzed using this new software.
  42. The decision should be communicated to all employees.
  43. The documents must be archived for future reference.
  44. The festival might be held at a different venue next year.
  45. The procedures have to be standardized across departments.
  46. The theme could be chosen by a vote.
  47. The permission may be withdrawn if terms are violated.
  48. The rules ought to be enforced more strictly.
  49. The report needs to be completed by next Monday.
  50. The building used to be an art gallery.
  51. The assignment can be submitted in various formats.
  52. The strategy should be evaluated for effectiveness.
  53. The agreement must be honored by both parties.
  54. The plan might be modified based on customer feedback.
  55. The laws have to be abided by by all citizens.
  56. The story could be featured in the next newsletter.
  57. The proposal may be accepted after some adjustments.
  58. The instructions ought to be followed to avoid errors.
  59. The application needs to be approved by the manager.
  60. The area used to be known for its wildlife.
  61. The project can be delayed due to budget constraints.
  62. The rules should be reviewed annually.
  63. The proposal must be submitted before the deadline.
  64. The meeting might be chaired by the deputy manager.
  65. The regulations have to be complied with at all times.
  66. The document could be translated into several languages.
  67. The issue may be raised during the next discussion.
  68. The procedures ought to be updated periodically.
  69. The survey needs to be conducted by an independent agency.
  70. He used to be questioned by police every day
  71. The results can be accessed online.
  72. The policy should be implemented across all departments.
  73. The equipment must be inspected every six months.
  74. The seminar might be postponed due to various reasons.
  75. The guidelines have to be provided to candidates.
  76. The story could be covered by major news outlets.
  77. The decision may be influenced by recent developments.
  78. The recommendations ought to be taken seriously.
  79. The application needs to be processed within two weeks.
  80. The area used to be inspected by police.
  81. The work can be completed by the end of the day.
  82. The changes should be communicated effectively.
  83. The contract must be reviewed by legal counsel.
  84. The event might be broadcast live.
  85. The rules have to be adhered to by all team members.
  86. The novel could be shortlisted for the award.
  87. The plan may be executed in phases.
  88. The safety protocols ought to be followed meticulously.
  89. The design needs to be approved by the committee.
  90. The building used to be visited by many people.
  91. The data can be backed up automatically.
  92. The procedure should be completed by trained staff.
  93. The announcement must be made public soon.
  94. The project might be showcased in an international forum.
  95. The policy has to be reviewed for compliance.
  96. The theme could be selected based on a popular vote.
  97. The strategy may be revised at the next meeting.
  98. The instructions ought to be displayed prominently.
  99. The report needs to be finalized by the audit team.
  100. The land used to be part of a national park.

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