How to talk about someone who moved to your community and brought a positive influence to score band 9 in IELTS test

April 12, 2024

Cue Card (Part 2) – Sample Question:

Describe someone who moved to your community and brought a positive influence. You should say:

Who this person is

When they moved to your community

What they did to bring a positive influence

And explain how their actions affected the community

Sample Answer:

I would like to talk about a woman named Sarah, who moved to our community about three years ago. She is a young and energetic person with a background in social work and community development.

Upon moving to our neighborhood, Sarah quickly noticed that there were limited opportunities for children and teenagers to engage in recreational and educational activities. She took the initiative to start a community center that offers various programs and workshops for children, teenagers, and even adults.

Sarah’s community center has become a hub for learning, creativity, and social interaction. She has organized various activities, such as art classes, language courses, sports events, and volunteer opportunities, which cater to the diverse interests and needs of our community members. Furthermore, she has been successful in securing funding and resources from local businesses and organizations to support these programs.

The positive influence Sarah has brought to our community is undeniable. The community center has fostered a sense of unity, belonging, and pride among residents, and has provided valuable opportunities for personal growth and development. Her efforts have also encouraged other community members to become more involved in local initiatives and contribute to the well-being of our neighborhood.


Part 3 – Sample Questions and Answers:

Q: Why is it important for people to contribute to their community?

A: Contributing to one’s community is important for several reasons. It helps to build a sense of belonging, unity, and shared responsibility among residents, which can lead to a more cohesive and supportive environment. Active participation in community initiatives can also enhance the overall well-being, safety, and quality of life for all members. Furthermore, engaging in community activities can provide individuals with opportunities for personal growth, skill development, and social interaction.

Q: What are some ways people can positively influence their community?

A: People can positively influence their community in various ways, such as volunteering for local organizations or events, participating in community meetings and decision-making processes, organizing or supporting community programs and activities, and advocating for positive change on local issues. Additionally, individuals can contribute to a positive community atmosphere by being respectful, supportive, and inclusive neighbors, and by fostering a spirit of collaboration and open communication.

Q: How can communities benefit from having diverse members?

A: Communities can benefit from having diverse members in several ways. Diversity can enrich the cultural and social fabric of a community, introducing new perspectives, ideas, and experiences that can foster creativity, innovation, and mutual understanding. Diverse communities can also benefit from a broader range of skills, talents, and resources, which can contribute to the overall well-being and resilience of the community. Furthermore, living in a diverse community can help individuals develop empathy, tolerance, and appreciation for different cultures and backgrounds.

Q: What role do local governments play in supporting community development?

A: Local governments play a crucial role in supporting community development by providing essential services, infrastructure, and resources that contribute to the well-being and quality of life for residents. This may include maintaining public spaces and facilities, organizing community events and programs, and addressing local issues such as safety, sanitation, and transportation. Local governments also play a role in fostering community engagement and participation by encouraging residents to become involved in local decision-making processes and initiatives.

Q: How can technology be used to enhance community engagement and development?

A: Technology can be used to enhance community engagement and development in several ways. For example, social media platforms and online forums can facilitate communication, collaboration, and information sharing among community members. Digital tools and applications can be used to organize and manage community events, programs, and resources more efficiently. Technology can also be utilized to gather data and insights on local issues and trends, which can inform decision-making and planning processes at the community level.

Q: How do community organizations contribute to the well-being of residents?

A: Community organizations play a significant role in promoting the well-being of residents by addressing local needs, providing essential services, and fostering social cohesion. These organizations often focus on specific areas, such as education, health, environmental conservation, or social welfare, and work to improve the quality of life for community members through targeted programs, initiatives, and advocacy efforts. By engaging residents in their activities and encouraging active participation, community organizations can also contribute to a sense of belonging, empowerment, and shared responsibility among community members.

Q: What challenges do communities face in promoting positive change and development?

A: Communities may face various challenges in promoting positive change and development, such as limited resources, competing priorities, and resistance to change among residents. Additionally, communities may struggle with issues like social inequality, discrimination, and cultural differences, which can hinder collaboration and consensus-building. To overcome these challenges, communities need to foster open communication, inclusivity, and a spirit of cooperation among residents, and work together to identify shared goals and develop effective strategies for achieving positive change.

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