How to talk about a book you have read many times to score band 9 in IELTS speaking test

April 12, 2024

A list of grammar and usages that can be used to talk about a book you have read many times:


  • Present perfect tense:
  • Use the present perfect tense to talk about the experience of reading the book multiple times: “I have read this book many times.”
  • Use the present perfect tense to discuss the impact or influence the book has had on you: “Reading this book multiple times has shaped my perspective.”
  • Comparative and superlative forms:
  • Use comparative forms to compare the book with others: “This book is more captivating than any other I’ve read.”
  • Use superlative forms to emphasize the exceptional qualities of the book: “It is the most thought-provoking book I have ever encountered.”
  • Adjectives to describe the book:
  • Use descriptive adjectives to express your opinion about the book: “It is an engaging, insightful, and thought-provoking book.”
  • Use adjectives to describe the characters, plot, and themes: “The characters are well-developed and relatable, the plot is gripping, and the themes are profound.”
  • Expressing preferences and opinions:
  • Use expressions like “I particularly enjoy,” “In my opinion,” “For me,” to convey your personal preference and opinion about the book.
  • Use phrases to express the impact of the book on your emotions: “It evokes a wide range of emotions, from joy to sadness.”
  • Comparing different readings:
  • Use expressions like “Each time I read it,” “With each reading,” “On subsequent readings,” to discuss your experience reading the book multiple times.
  • Use adverbs to describe how your understanding or interpretation has changed: “Gradually, I began to appreciate the deeper layers of meaning in the story.”
  • Discussing the author’s writing style:
  • Use adverbs and adjectives to describe the author’s writing style: “The author skillfully crafts vivid descriptions,” “The writing is eloquent and evocative.”
  • Use phrases to discuss the impact of the writing style on your reading experience: “The descriptive prose brings the scenes to life in my mind.”
  • Explaining the reasons for rereading:
  • Use expressions such as “It offers new insights,” “I discover something new each time,” “It’s like revisiting old friends,” to explain why you enjoy rereading the book.
  • Use phrases to discuss the book’s enduring relevance and timeless appeal: “The themes explored are universal and continue to resonate with readers.”
  • Discussing personal growth and reflection:
  • Use phrases to explain how reading the book multiple times has influenced you: “It has expanded my worldview,” “It has deepened my understanding of human nature.”
  • Use expressions to discuss the book’s impact on your perspective and values: “It has shaped my beliefs and values in profound ways.”

Remember to use these grammar and usage points naturally in your speech while discussing a book you have read many times during the IELTS Speaking test.


A list of phrases and expressions to talk about a book you have read several times:


  • Expressing familiarity and frequency:
  • “I have read this book multiple times.”
  • “It’s a book I keep coming back to.”
  • “I’m quite familiar with the content of the book.”
  • Describing your connection with the book:
  • “This book holds a special place in my heart.”
  • “I feel a strong personal connection to the characters and story.”
  • “It’s like revisiting an old friend each time I read it.”
  • Expressing enjoyment and appreciation:
  • “I thoroughly enjoy reading this book.”
  • “It never fails to captivate me.”
  • “The book has an enduring appeal that keeps me engaged.”
  • Discussing the book’s depth and complexity:
  • “The book has multiple layers of meaning.”
  • “It offers rich insights into human emotions and relationships.”
  • “The depth of the themes explored is remarkable.”
  • Describing the book’s impact on your emotions:
  • “The book evokes a range of emotions, from joy to sadness.”
  • “It tugs at my heartstrings every time I read it.”
  • “The emotional depth of the story resonates with me deeply.”
  • Explaining the reasons for rereading:
  • “Each time I read it, I discover something new.”
  • “I appreciate the nuances and subtleties of the story with each reading.”
  • “It’s like peeling back the layers of the book and uncovering hidden gems.”
  • Discussing the book’s enduring relevance:
  • “The themes explored are timeless and continue to resonate.”
  • “The book offers valuable insights into universal human experiences.”
  • “It addresses issues that are still relevant in today’s society.”
  • Expressing admiration for the author’s writing style:
  • “The author’s prose is elegant and evocative.”
  • “The writing is beautifully crafted, painting vivid pictures in my mind.”
  • “I admire the author’s ability to create compelling characters and settings.”
  • Describing personal growth and reflection:
  • “Rereading this book has broadened my perspective.”
  • “It has deepened my understanding of complex issues.”
  • “The book has influenced my beliefs and values.”
  • Recommending the book to others:
  • “I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking a meaningful read.”
  • “It’s a must-read for those who appreciate thought-provoking literature.”
  • “I believe this book has something valuable to offer to readers of all ages.”

Remember to use these phrases and expressions naturally while discussing a book you have read several times during the IELTS Speaking test.


Part 2 (Cue Card):


Describe a book that you have read many times. You should say:

  • What is the title and genre of the book?
  • What is the book about?
  • Why do you enjoy reading it repeatedly?
  • Explain how reading this book multiple times has influenced you.


One book that I have read many times and holds a special place in my heart is “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. It is a classic novel in the genre of literature and deals with themes of racial injustice and morality.

The book is set in a small Southern town in the United States during the 1930s and revolves around the lives of Scout Finch, her brother Jem, and their father Atticus. The story unfolds through Scout’s perspective as she navigates childhood, witnesses racial prejudice, and experiences personal growth.

I find myself drawn to this book repeatedly for various reasons. Firstly, the character development in the novel is exceptional. I feel deeply connected to Scout and Jem as they encounter various challenges and grapple with complex social issues. The author’s portrayal of the characters’ growth and their interactions with others is incredibly impactful.

Secondly, the book addresses important themes such as racism, prejudice, and empathy, which are still relevant in today’s society. Each time I read the book, I gain new insights and perspectives on these issues. It serves as a reminder of the importance of compassion, justice, and standing up for what is right.

Moreover, the vivid and evocative writing style of Harper Lee captivates me every time I delve into the pages of the book. The descriptions of the town, the atmosphere, and the emotions of the characters are so beautifully crafted that I am transported into their world.

Reading “To Kill a Mockingbird” multiple times has had a profound influence on me. It has helped me develop a greater understanding of social issues and fostered empathy towards others. The book has also inspired me to be more conscious of the injustices around me and to stand up for equality and fairness.


Part 3


Why do you think some people choose to reread books?

Answer: Rereading books allows people to revisit familiar stories, characters, and themes that resonate with them. It offers a sense of comfort, nostalgia, and the opportunity to discover new layers of meaning in the text.

How does rereading a book influence our interpretation of it?

Answer: Rereading a book provides a deeper understanding of its nuances and subtleties. It allows us to notice details that were missed during the initial reading and interpret the text from a different perspective.

Are there any drawbacks to rereading books?

Answer: One potential drawback of rereading books is the risk of losing the initial excitement and surprise that comes with discovering a story for the first time. Additionally, rereading may limit exposure to new literature.

Do you believe rereading a book can change a person’s perspective over time?

Answer: Absolutely. As we grow and evolve, our perspectives on various aspects of life change, including how we interpret literature. Rereading a book at different stages of life can provide fresh insights and alter our understanding of the text.

How does rereading a book contribute to one’s personal growth?

Answer: Rereading a book allows for a deeper analysis of its themes, character development, and underlying messages. This critical engagement fosters intellectual growth, empathy, and a broader perspective on the world.

In what ways can rereading a book be different from watching a movie multiple times?

Answer: Rereading a book offers a more immersive experience, allowing readers to engage their imagination and create their own mental imagery. Unlike a movie, a book provides the freedom to interpret the story and characters in a more personalized way.

Can you think of any situations where rereading a book may not be as beneficial?

Answer: Rereading a book may not be as beneficial if it becomes a repetitive and stagnant experience, with no new insights or perspectives gained. It’s important to strike a balance between revisiting familiar books and exploring new literature.

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